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General Questions

What is biosum?

A couple of tech nerd / fitness loving founders with expertise in health and technology started biosum. After years of an unrequited love affair with the ill fitting and wonky, awkward industry of developing fit tech, they realized the best toys are not as accessible to the general public so they set out to change that. Now they make most top level fit tech accessible to everyone.

Why do I need biosum?

Our cutting-edge technology like DEXA scans and Metabolic testing unlocks your body's unique potential. Take a deep dive into the TRUTH going on inside your body and achieve your goals faster with personalized insights. Biosum empowers you to train smarter, eat intuitively, stay motivated, and finally reach your peak performance with sustainable, data-driven strategies.

But I have a body fat scale and I know my BMI!

Body fat scales can miss key details and BMI is an antiquated system meant to assess populations, not individuals. Hydration and muscle mass can skew the numbers, leaving you frustrated. Biosum offers a more precise approach. We use DEXA scans, the gold standard, to reveal your body's unique makeup – muscle, fat, bone density. This intel lets your make informed decisiosn and allows us to craft a personalized plan to unlock your full potential. 

How long do I need to wait for my results?

Want your results ASAP? No problem! All biosum tests, including DEXA scans, RMR, and VO2 Max, provide instant results you can review with our team right on the spot. No waiting, just clear insights to guide your health journey from the very moment you finish your test.

What do I do with my results?

We will provide clear explanations to help you understand your DEXA, RMR, and VO2 Max data. This knowledge empowers you to make informed choices and personalize your fitness journey for optimal results and achieve your goals. You've got this! Want to take it further? Biosum offers personalized coaching to maximize your progress.

What services do you offer?

Biosum offers a powerful toolbox to transform your health journey. We go beyond the basics with cutting-edge technology like DEXA scans, RMR testing, and VO2 Max analysis. Imagine finally understanding your unique body composition, precise calorie needs, and optimal training zones. Biosum can translate this data into a personalized plan and offers expert coaching, including both personal training and nutrition guidance.

How do I schedule an appointment?

Scheduling an appointment is a breeze! Just click the "Book Now" button and you'll be whisked away to our scheduling page.  There, you can create an account if you're new, or log in if you're already a part of the family.  Before scheduling, make sure you've purchased the service that best suits your needs – we offer a variety of options!  Once you've got your service squared away, you can pick a location and time that works for you.  Confirm your selection and voila – you're all set for your appointment!  If you have any questions at any point, our team is always happy to help.  See you soon!

Do you take walk-ins?

We welcome walk-ins at biosum whenever possible! While scheduled appointments take priority to ensure a smooth flow, our team is happy to hustle to fit you in quickly. Unfortunately, with DEXA scans, we do need to review your intake forms first, so it is highly recommended that you create an account and purchase ahead of time so we can make sure you're good to go! In any case, if you're curious, come on by!

Are your services covered by insurance?

While our services are not covered by insurance, our pricing is very reasonable and even more accessible when you bundle or buy a package. This allows us to keep our technology and expertise accessible to empower your health journey!

Can I bring a friend or partner?

Absolutely! While space is limited inside to two, feel free to bring a friend for support. We're happy to have you both!

Can I reschedule my appointment?

Things come up! We understand if you need to reschedule your biosum appointment. Just let us know at least 24 hours in advance and we'll be happy to find a new time that works for you.

A friendly reminder that last-minute changes (within 24 hours) incur a $15 fee, but don't worry, your test will still be available to reschedule!

But, I'm feeling sick...

Don't sweat it! Please call us to reschedule your biosum appointment and our manager will waive the no-show fee. Your health is top priority, focus on getting better and we'll find a new test time when you’re ready!

77 is a parking lot; I'm running late!

Running a bit behind? We understand; it happens to the best of us. Just give us a quick call to let us know you're on your way to avoid a no-show fee and we’ll work you back into the schedule. 

DEXA Body Composition Scans (DXA)

What is a DEXA or DXA scan?

DEXA scans provide a detailed breakdown of your body composition. This includes exact percentages of muscle mass, fat tissue, and bone mineral density. The scan itself is quick, safe, and easy, taking only about 5 minutes.

What data does a DEXA scan provide?

DEXA scans are like a detailed blueprint of your body! They provide a precise breakdown of your muscle mass, fat storage, and bone density. This goes far beyond just a weight number. Instead, you get a clear picture of your unique body composition. This knowledge empowers you to create a personalized plan to target your specific goals, whether it's building muscle, burning fat, or improving bone health.

I've already gotten a different kind of body fat test…

While other methods like skin fold calipers, 3D / 360 scans, and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) offer estimates, they have limitations.

Calipers miss deeper fat stores and muscle mass, and BIA accuracy can vary depending on hydration and body type. 3D and 360 scans miss key details like bone density and can't distinguish muscle from fat changes. They also lack data on left/right body composition and can be swayed by posture during the scan. BMI, developed in the 1800s, relies solely on height and weight, neglecting crucial factors like muscle mass and bone density.

DEXA scans take a different approach. They utilize advanced technology to provide a highly accurate picture of your entire body composition, including muscle, fat, and bone density. This in-depth analysis empowers you to craft a personalized plan targeting your specific goals. It's like having GPS for your fitness journey, versus a hand drawn map on a cocktail napkin. Don't settle for estimates – get the clear picture a DEXA scan provides!

What type of DXA machine does biosum use?

At biosum, we believe in using the best available technology to empower your health journey. That's why we use the Horizon® Wi DXA system by Hologic, a top-of-the-line DEXA machine recognized for its exceptional precision. This advanced technology goes beyond basic scans, offering unparalleled speed and detailed information about your body composition.

Horizon Wi DXA provides the most comprehensive data possible, including vital insights into visceral fat. Furthermore, the rotating C-arm, lowered table, and high weight limit ensure a comfortable experience for various body types. With biosums Horizon Wi DXA, you can be confident you're receiving the most accurate and detailed body composition analysis available.

Does biosum include visceral fat (VAT)?

Biosum's DEXA scan includes visceral fat or Visceral Adipose Tissue (VAT) analysis because it provides a deeper understanding of your health. VAT, the deeper, metabolically active, brown fat stored around your organs, can be a silent threat.

While some VAT is normal, excessive levels are linked to increased risks like metabolic syndrome, a combination of factors that raise your chances of heart disease and stroke. VAT can also impair your body's ability to use insulin, potentially leading to type 2 diabetes. Research suggests a connection between high VAT and certain cancers as well.

Knowing your VAT level empowers you to take control. If elevated, dietary changes, exercise adjustments, or other lifestyle modifications can positively affect your VAT over time. By managing your VAT, you're investing in your long-term health. Biosum's DEXA scan with VAT analysis is the first step on your journey towards a healthier you.

How long will my scan take?

The DEXA scan itself is quite quick and convenient, taking only about 5 minutes of your time. This allows you to get the information you need to optimize your health journey and off to your next adventure in no time. We reserve 30 minutes for each appointment for a post scan consultation if you would like to sit down with our team to review and understand your results and what you can do next!

What should I wear to my appointment?

We want your DEXA scan experience to be comfortable and convenient. Think comfortable workout clothes like tights, compression shorts, or a sports bra for women. To ensure a smooth scan, thick, loose clothing with bulky pockets or zippers aren’t a deal breaker but it’s easier with relatively fitted clothing. Small buttons or zippers typically don't cause issues, but if removable, that's even better. Large metal objects can interfere with the scan, so it's wise to leave them at home.

The good news is, clothing has minimal impact on the results. There's really no need for special suits – birthday or otherwise – you can come in comfortable workout clothes or even wear the clothes you arrived in and we’ll figure it out! We often have a spare set of scrubs, if you prefer. Our focus is on providing you with the most accurate body composition analysis possible to empower your health journey!

Can I eat or drink before my scan?

You're welcome to fast but it's really not required; a reasonable amount of food and fluid will only influence your scan by tenths of a percentage point. Proper hydration and arriving in a "normal state" is key for scans. While we advise against excessive fluids and thanksgiving dinner right before the scan, eating and drinking your normal intake, particularly if you plan to rescan is best practice.

Following these steps will contribute to the most accurate assessment of your body composition, empowering you to make informed decisions on your health journey.

Should I exercise before my scan?

To ensure the most accurate DEXA scan, we recommend avoiding strenuous exercise on the day of your appointment. Changes in your muscle energy reserves can impact the muscle mass measurement. Take a rest day - or morning - and focus on getting a good night's sleep before your scan. We'll take care of the rest!

How much radiation does a DEXA scanner emit?

You'll be glowing by the time you leave! But not due to radiation; the DEXA scan uses an extremely minimal amount of radiation – far less than other imaging procedures like CT scans or X-rays.

The average DEXA scan emits about 0.04 mrem, that's comparable to the radiation you'd receive from a big ol' banana smoothie or a 30 minute plane flight. In comparison, a chest X-ray is about 250 times higher. This minimal radiation allows us to provide you with valuable body composition insights without compromising your safety. 

How often should I get a DEXA scan?

At biosum, we understand that tracking your progress is key to achieving your health goals. This is why a DEXA scan can be a powerful tool, especially when making changes to your diet or exercise routine. The benefits go beyond self-monitoring; clients who get a second scan tend to achieve better results.

We recommend whatever fits your goals. Whether you want to scan every other week, once a month, or every other month, we have a package to fit your needs. This allows you to see the impact of your efforts on your body composition, keeping you motivated and accountable. 

I have a pacemaker and a metal plate in my head/arm/left toe... Is this scan safe for me?

Rest easy, friend! DEXA scans are safe for those with pacemakers or any metal implants. The scan itself does not interfere with pacemaker function, and the implant will simply show up as dense bone on your report. This won't affect the valuable data we collect on your fat and lean muscle mass. We can still provide a clear picture of your body composition to guide your health journey.

Can I scan mutiple times a week? Multiple times a day?

You go getter, you! While a DEXA scan is technically safe to do as often as once a day, we do limit scans for each individual to once a week for regulatory purposes.

Am I getting a bone density DXA scan?

At biosum, we focus on providing you with the most actionable insights for your health journey. While our DEXA scanner can perform detailed bone density reports, we prioritize body composition scans.

If you are concerned about your bone density and would like to know more about getting a BMD scan, please give us a call!

What's the difference between diagnostic bone density scans and body composition scans?

At biosum, choosing the right DEXA scan can be straightforward. Both utilize DEXA technology, but their purposes differ.

A body composition scan focuses on the distribution of muscle and fat throughout your body. It measures muscle mass, fat storage, and provides a comprehensive assessment of bone health. This detailed information empowers you to optimize your health and fitness goals, whether you're an athlete or someone focused on weight management.

In contrast, a diagnostic bone density scan concentrates specifically on bone mineral density, generally only scanning the neck of the femur and the lumbar spine. This scan is crucial for diagnosing osteoporosis, a condition that weakens bones and increases fracture risk. It's typically recommended for older adults or those with osteoporosis risk factors.

What is the weight and height limit to use biosum’s dexa scanner?

We're committed to providing body composition analysis for a wide range of all you humans! We have the largest DEXA scan table and highest weight limit scanner in the industry.

Our DEXA scanner can accommodate users up to 500 pounds and the table is 6’6” but we can accommodate those even taller when needed. This ensures accessibility for various body types, allowing you to gain valuable insights into your health and well-being regardless of your size.

Resting Metabolic Testing (RMR)

What is Resting Metabolic Rate analysis?

An RMR test measures your body's calorie burning at rest through indirect calorimetry. You'll relax in our stuffed chaise lounge while breathing into a mask. The machine analyzes the oxygen you consume and carbon dioxide you exhale, revealing your precise calorie expenditure for vital functions like breathing and heartbeat. This provides a clear picture of your body's baseline caloric needs.

Why is understanding my unique RMR significant?

Understanding your unique RMR is significant because it acts as the foundation for creating a personalized nutrition plan. It reveals the exact number of calories your body burns at rest, eliminating the guesswork from calorie counting. This empowers you to tailor your calorie intake to your specific goals, whether you aim for weight loss, muscle gain, or overcoming a plateau.

By setting realistic calorie targets based on your RMR, you can achieve lasting results and optimize your health journey.

What increases or decreases my  RMR?

Your RMR is influenced by several factors. Muscle mass is a major calorie burner, so building muscle can increase your RMR. In contrast, factors like age and reduced physical activity can lead to a lower RMR. Understanding these influences empowers you to make informed lifestyle choices. By focusing on building muscle and staying active, you can optimize your RMR for a healthier you.

How is an RMR performed?

An RMR test is a painless, straightforward, and even wireless and tubeless process with biosum! You'll relax in a comfortable state while breathing into a mask that has been fitted over your breathing hole. This machine measures the oxygen you consume and carbon dioxide you release. By analyzing this exchange, the test precisely determines the calories your body burns at rest, providing valuable insights to guide your health journey.

What should I wear to my appointment?

To ensure the most accurate results for your RMR test, proper preparation is key. Aim to fast for at least 4-5 hours before the test, avoiding food and sugary drinks. Sorry, also no caffeine and alcohol for a similar timeframe.

General movement on the day is okay, but avoid any on the day workouts beforehand. All of these things could significantly skew your results, so within a few hours after waking is recommended. Coming well-rested promotes relaxation during the test, leading to more precise measurements of your resting metabolic rate.

How often should I retest?

The ideal frequency for RMR retests depends on your goals. For general health monitoring, an annual test is a great starting point. However, if you're actively making changes to your diet or exercise routine, consider a retest after 3-6 months to track progress and optimize your calorie goals.

Active Metabolic Testing (VO2MAX)

What is VO2Max and what does it measure?

VO2 Max stands for Maximal Oxygen Consumption. It reflects the maximum amount of oxygen your body can utilize during intense exercise.

Essentially, it measures your cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance. A higher VO2 Max indicates your body's efficiency in using oxygen for energy production, impacting your performance during physical activities.

Why is knowing my VO2Max important?

Knowing your VO2 Max is valuable for several reasons. It acts as a benchmark for your cardiovascular health and overall fitness level. A higher VO2 Max is linked to increased longevity, improved endurance, exercise performance, and even a reduced risk of chronic diseases.

By tracking your VO2 Max over time, you can gauge the effectiveness of your training program and identify areas for improvement, empowering you to reach your fitness goals and optimize your health.

How is a VO2Max test performed?

A VO2Max test typically involves moderate exercise on a treadmill or stationary bike with our wireless and tubeless fitted mask. This advanced technology eliminates the constraints of traditional wired setups, allowing for greater freedom of movement during the test.

As the exercise intensity gradually increases, the machine analyzes the oxygen you inhale and the carbon dioxide you exhale. By measuring this exchange, the test determines your body's maximum oxygen consumption, providing a valuable insight into your longevity, cardiovascular fitness, and endurance capacity.

Can I eat or drink before my test?

To ensure the most accurate VO2 Max test results, proper preparation is key. Fasting for at least 4 hours beforehand is recommended. This allows your body to rely on stored energy at rest, leading to a more precise measurement of your oxygen usage during exercise.

Avoid sugary drinks, caffeinated beverages, and chewing gum during this time, as they can all influence your metabolism and impact the test data. Smoking should also be avoided for several hours before the test. Coming well-rested and hydrated is important as well. By following these simple guidelines, you'll be ready to perform your best during the test and gain a valuable insight into your cardiovascular fitness level.

Should I exercise before my test?

Strenuous exercise is best avoided in the 24 hours leading up to your VO2 Max test. While light activity is okay, intense workouts can leave your body in a heightened metabolic state, affecting the accuracy of the test results.

Our goal is to measure your body's baseline oxygen usage for the most precise picture of your cardiovascular fitness. Coming well-rested is ideal, so prioritize relaxation in the day before your test.

What are other factors that would affect my test?

Several factors can influence your VO2 Max test results. For optimal accuracy, prioritize hydration by consuming plenty of water in the 12 hours leading up to the test.

Additionally, it's wise to avoid certain substances 12-24 hours beforehand. This includes smoking, caffeine, and alcohol, as they can all impact your metabolism and oxygen usage. Similarly, some supplements and medications that affect aerobic performance, like steroids, cold medications, or beta-blockers, should be avoided.

Can I improve my VO2Max and why should I?

Absolutely! Improving your VO2 Max is a fantastic way to enhance your overall health and well-being, and even longevity! A higher VO2 Max translates to increased efficiency in using oxygen, leading to several benefits. You'll experience improved endurance during exercise, allowing you to train harder for longer.

Additionally, a strong VO2 Max is linked to a healthier heart, better lung function, and a reduced risk of chronic diseases, all of which contribute to a longer and healthier life. By incorporating regular exercise routines that challenge your cardiovascular system, you can progressively increase your VO2 Max and unlock a higher level of fitness and well-being.

What should I wear? 

Get ready to get sweaty! Wear loose-fitting clothing made for exercise, like shorts, joggers, and a breathable t-shirt. The goal is for you to move freely and comfortably during the test.

Our VO2 Max test is designed to push your limits and measure your body's peak oxygen usage, so be prepared to give it your all! We'll provide everything else you need for a successful test.

How often should I retest my VO2Max?

The ideal frequency for VO2 Max retesting depends on your goals. For general monitoring of your cardiovascular fitness, a yearly test is a good starting point.

However, if you're actively engaged in a training program, consider retesting every 3-6 months. This allows you to track progress, gauge the effectiveness of your workout routine, and identify areas for further improvement.

By monitoring changes in your VO2 Max over time, you can stay motivated and adjust your training plan to achieve your fitness goals and reach new levels of cardiovascular health.