Resting Metabolic testing (RMR)

Do you know your number? Fun fact: most don't! End calorie confusion with an RMR test. This precise testing procedure reveals exactly how many calories your body burns at rest.

Visit our mobile lab at one of our many locations throughout Charlotte and transform your body with informed decisions and reach your goals faster!

mystery solved. Know Your Exact Calorie Needs

Ditch unreliable calorie calculators!

white box
white box

Your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) accounts for approximately 70% of your daily energy expenditure, representing the calories needed for essential functions like heartbeat and breathing.

Equation-based estimates can miss the target by as much as 40 percent! This precise medical-grade test reveals the exact number of calories you burn at rest.

Empower smarter eating with a RMR test!

what is aN rmr test?

A Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) test utilizes a process called indirect calorimetry to analyze the air you breathe while resting comfortably in a relaxed state. RMR testing protocols have been validated through numerous studies conducted by researchers in the fields of exercise physiology, nutrition, and metabolism.

The device measures the oxygen you consume and the carbon dioxide you produce (a by-product of burning calories) while breathing through a mask connected to the device. By analyzing this gas exchange ratio, your precise calorie consumption is calculated.

RMR test device
RMR testing report

who should get a rmr test?

RMR testing is vital for anyone looking to modify their body composition. Knowing exactly how many calories your body burns at rest takes the guesswork out of your nutrition plan. Whether you want to create a calorie deficit for fat loss, a surplus for muscle gain, or take on the exciting challenge of a body recomposition. RMR testing provides the critical starting point.

RMR benefits

Break Through Plateaus

Smash through ceilings by pinpointing calorie adjustments to keep progress moving.

Optimize Your Workouts  

Fuel smarter and train harder with precise calorie needs for peak workout efficiency.

Boost Motivation

Knowing your number empowers informed choices and keeps you motivated.

Faster Progress

Accelerate your results with targeted calorie adjustments toward your unique goals.

Shed Fat

Create a safe and sustainable diet to sustain steady fat loss while preserving muscle.

Build Muscle

Confidently dial in a precise calorie surplus to support muscle growth and recovery. 

Measure. Motivate. Transform

Your best self. What's stopping you?