Setting fitness goals? SMART goals make them stick! Biosum uses data to personalize your journey and is your partner to track progress & stay motivated.

Frustrated by fitness goals that fizzle out?

Let's face it, we've all been there. Signed up for a gym membership with the best intentions, only to see that enthusiasm dwindle after a few weeks. The key to achieving lasting results lies in setting clear and achievable goals. Here at Biosum, we believe in empowering you on your wellness journey, and that starts with setting SMART fitness goals.  This post will not only guide you through the SMART framework but also show you how Biosum can be your partner in setting and tracking your progress towards a healthier, fitter you.

Tracking CICO (Calories In, Calories Out) is an easy SMART goal you can start today.

What are SMART Goals?

SMART is an acronym that stands for:

  • Specific: Clearly define your goal. Instead of saying "get in shape," aim for "increase my muscle mass by 5 lbs in the next 3 months."
  • Measurable: Quantify your goal. How will you know you've achieved it? Trackable metrics like weight, body composition (through DEXA scans), or distance run are key.
  • Achievable: Be realistic about your goal. Consider your current fitness level and available time. Biosum services can help assess your baseline and create an achievable plan.
  • Relevant: Your goal should align with your overall health and fitness aspirations. Does it motivate you? Does it fit into your lifestyle?
  • Time-bound: Set a timeframe for reaching your goal. Having a deadline creates a sense of urgency and helps you stay on track.

Examples of SMART Fitness Goals:

  • Improve cardiovascular health: Increase VO2 Max by 5% within 6 months, as measured by a VO2 Max test.
  • Build muscle mass: Gain 7 lbs of lean muscle in 4 months, as measured by a DEXA scan.
  • Increase running distance: Run a 5K race in under 30 minutes within 8 weeks, tracking progress with a fitness tracker.
  • Optimize calorie intake: Determine your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) through Biosum and create a personalized calorie goal for weight loss or muscle gain.

How Biosum Can Help You Set SMART Goals:

Biosum offers a variety of services that can provide valuable data for setting personalized SMART goals. Here's how:

  • DEXA Scans: DEXA scans provide a detailed and visual breakdown of your body composition, including muscle mass, body fat percentage, and bone density. This information is crucial for setting realistic goals related to muscle building, fat loss, or overall body recomposition.
  • VO2 Max Testing: Understanding your VO2 Max, a key indicator of cardiovascular fitness, allows you to set goals for improving your endurance and performance. Biosum's VO2 Max tests provide accurate data to set achievable goals for cardiovascular health.
  • Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) Assessment: Understanding your RMR, the number of calories your body burns at rest, is essential for setting realistic weight loss or muscle gain goals. Biosum can help you determine your RMR and create a personalized calorie plan.
  • Fitness Consultations: Our team of experts can analyze your Biosum data and help you create personalized goals and training plans tailored to your unique needs and fitness level.

Tracking Progress with Biosum:

Staying motivated is key to achieving your goals. Biosum's user-friendly platform allows you to seamlessly track your progress over time. Here's how:

  • Data Visualization: Biosum presents your health data in easy-to-understand visual scans, charts, and graphs. You can visually track changes in body composition, VO2 Max scores, RMR, and other metrics.
  • Progress Reports: Biosum generates personalized reports that highlight your progress towards your goals. This allows you to celebrate milestones and adjust your plan as needed.
  • Goal Setting Functionality: Biosum allows you to set goals directly within the platform and track your progress seamlessly.

Tips for Staying Motivated:

Setting SMART goals is just the first step. Here are some tips to stay motivated on your fitness journey:

  • Find a workout buddy: Having a partner can increase accountability and make workouts more enjoyable.
  • Reward yourself: Celebrate milestones and achievements to stay motivated.
  • Focus on progress, not perfection: Setbacks happen. Don't get discouraged – focus on the overall trend of your progress.
  • Make it fun: Find activities you enjoy. Exercise shouldn't feel like a chore!
  • Most importantly: JUST GO. Hitting the gym for 20 minutes is better than not going at all, plus it creates habits, boosts mood and serotonin, and motivates you to keep coming back for more!


By setting  SMART goals and utilizing Biosum's resources, you can take control of your health and fitness journey. Remember, consistency is key. Start with small, achievable goals and gradually build on your success. Biosum is here to support you every step of the way, providing the data, tools, and motivation to reach your goals and live a healthier life.

Ready to get started? Schedule a scan or test with a Biosum expert today and receive a complimentary consultation, or explore our services to find the perfect fit for your goals. Let's unlock your fitness potential together!

Written by: Lora DiCarlo, Co-Founder & CEO, Biosum